A quality production is the most important to obtain a quality coffee. Today, it is difficult to choose between the different ranges, brands and diversities that are found on the market. Coffee is seducing more and more consumers every day, whether it's for daily use, at work or at home. Coffee has become the most consumed beverage in the world with more than 166.63 million 60 kilogram bags of coffee being consumed worldwide this year and the numbers continue to grow.
The coffee trees
In the wild, coffee trees grow in the forests of the intertropical zones. There are two main cultivated species, Coffea arabica (high altitude) and Coffea canephora (low altitude). The coffee tree is generally propagated by seed, and germination takes place between 4 and 8 weeks. The coffee plants reach about 30 centimeters in 10 months. They are then ready to be planted to create a plantation. The life span of coffee trees under shade is often 50, 70, even 100 years. The cultivation of coffee trees is an extremely delicate and very pretentious work..
The taste of a coffee depends on its origin, variety and processing. First of all, we must distinguish between Arabica and Robusta. Indeed, these are the two most known varieties. They are grown at different altitudes and come from different shrubs. Before being in the cups, it takes on average 6 to 8 months after flowering for an Arabica coffee to mature and 9 to 11 months for a Robusta..
The different types of coffee
Arabica : it is the most consumed coffee in the world. It is cultivated between 600m and 2000m altitude on the "Coffea Arabica" shrub. It contains less caffeine than other coffees, which makes it a milder coffee.
Arabusta : is a hybrid coffee that retains the aromas of Arabica and can be grown with the characteristics of Robusta, i.e. at low altitude.
Ethiopian Mocha : cultivated from 1200m altitude in Ethiopia, it contains little caffeine. Slightly acidic coffee, the Ethiopian Mocha in beans or ground is a soft coffee, 100% arabica.
The fruits of the coffee tree
The fruits of the coffee tree, called berries or cherries, grow on the branches located on the trunk of the tree. The fruit of the coffee tree matures in a period of 6 to 12 months and varies from green to red. A hectare of Arabica or Robusta coffee trees generally produces between 6 and 7 tons of cherries, which will yield between 1.2 and 1.3 tons of coffee after processing.
The shape of the coffee beans
The shape of the beans will be different for each type of coffee, but it is still a good indicator of its quality. If your coffee is not oval in shape, has recurrent breaks in the beans and the color is not uniform, then the coffee is of poor quality. Coffee that has been roasted will gradually take on an oily, shiny appearance due to the fats in the coffee that tend to come out. This can take several months after roasting if the coffee has been stored properly.