They appeared earlier than Man. Their existence has allowed humanity to survive and benefit from their work. They are the bees. True fairies. But unlike these fantastic beings, they are real. They bring us sweetness in our daily life, a sweetness that we call "honey".
The extraordinary life of bees
The life of the bees is regulated like clockwork. The sunny season follows the winter period. During the sunny days, bees live between 30 and 45 days. On winter days, they live in slow motion. Their longevity sometimes reaches 6 months.
From birth, the bee learns to clean its cell. From worker bee, she becomes a nurse bee, working on the frames of the hive. The cells are then ready to house pollen, brood and honey. Then she takes on the role of ventilator, keeping the hive at the right temperature. At the same time, she ensures the survival of the colony. Finally, when she becomes a forager, she takes charge of defending the hive. She spends most of her time collecting pollen and nectar from flowers to feed the colony. A bee fulfills her duties to the end, to finally lay down her arms in the fields of work.
Honey in the traditions of beekeeping in Madagascar
The honey of Madagascar is very appreciated. Undoubtedly, because of the diversity of its flora. The perfume and the taste of honey are unbeatable and incomparable. We have the chance to taste eucalyptus honey, just as we can enjoy lychee honey. The honey of niaouli is also another flower of the Malagasy range.
Bees in their winter garden
During the winter season, bees naturally reduce their work time. To keep warm, they cluster together. They feed mainly on the reserves built up during the days of intense work. They then go into hibernation. Those who invest in the survival of beekeeping in Madagascar have a deep respect for this cycle, which is extraordinary to say the least. It is as if time stands still, when the bees leave their hive less and less. This is the reason why the quality of the flower fields is watched over. The workers jealously guard the sanctuaries. They share with the bees a love for nature and the great outdoors.
Nectar for a variety of honeyed flavors
Without the garden, there would be no flowers. Without the flowers, there would be no nectar. And without the nectar, there would be no honey. It is quite an adventure that a little bee goes through during these few weeks, here on earth. It is therefore essential for a beekeeper worthy of the name to ensure that they live in the best conditions. They must have a field of flowers to extract nectar. And we can contribute to perfect the living conditions of the pollinators by planting melliferous plants in the garden.
The flowers interact, so do the bees. A forager comes to collect the floral nectar. To do this, she selects the melliferous flowers to suck them up and keep the nectar in her crop. She takes off and joins the hive, the crop full of nectar. She then regurgitates it into the crop of another recipient bee. The latter then starts to give of herself to transform the nectar into honey. This is not magic, it is science.