Your honey became sugar !

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Crystallized honey, also known as solid or granulated honey, is a natural process that occurs when honey transitions from a liquid to a solid state. This happens as the natural sugars present in honey start to bond together and form crystals, making the honey thicker and more granular.

​The crystallization of honey is a natural process that does not affect its quality or nutritional properties. In fact, some beekeepers and consumers prefer crystallized honey because it has a thicker texture and is easier to spread.​

The speed of honey crystallization depends on several factors, such as the amount of sugars present in the honey, room temperature, and humidity. Some types of honey are more likely to crystallize faster than others due to the chemical composition of the sugars present in the honey.

​To decrystallize honey, simply heat it gently in a warm water bath (not hot) until the crystals dissolve. However, it's important to note that excessive heating or exposure to high temperatures can degrade some of the nutrients and beneficial properties of honey, so it is advisable not to overheat it.​

​In summary, honey crystallization is a natural process that occurs when the sugars present in honey begin to group together and form crystals. It does not affect the quality or nutritional properties of honey and can be gently reversed by heating the honey.

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