Ilanga, Admin Bee Unik and Ilanga Nature: Artisanal craftsmanship and nature united for a sustainable future When two strong-value brands meet, they create an inspiring collaboration. Bee Unik, a specialist in raffia craftsmanship, and Ilanga Nature, an expert in natural products, are partnering to offer uni... Bee unik Bees Madagascar artisan artisanat malgache Dec 20, 2024
Ilanga, Admin Vanilla, a way of life Growing in the most remote areas of the country, Malagasy vanilla is now a key player in the global market, exported to many countries for its exceptional qualities. However, behind the fame of this p... Madagascar actu histoire vanille Nov 25, 2024
Sponsor a beehive and enjoy some honey Imagine for a moment, a land without flowers or greenery. It is simply sad and desolate. However, this is what is likely to happen if we do not fight against the progressive disappearance of certain a... Honey Madagascar Sustainable development Nov 30, 2018