Ilanga, Admin Bee Unik and Ilanga Nature: Artisanal craftsmanship and nature united for a sustainable future When two strong-value brands meet, they create an inspiring collaboration. Bee Unik, a specialist in raffia craftsmanship, and Ilanga Nature, an expert in natural products, are partnering to offer uni... Bee unik Bees Madagascar artisan artisanat malgache Dec 20, 2024 News
Salt : 5 uses we don't think about Salt has nothing left to prove on the plate. It has its place in most kitchens. But its use is not limited to the kitchen. In the garden as well as in the dressing room, in the home as well as in the ... Bees Honey Madagascar May 14, 2020 Tips
Bees & Cie - Exceptional Malagasy honeys on the tables of the world Read an excerpt from an article about Ilanga Nature in the beekeeping magazine "Abeilles Cie". Précedent Suivant Did you like the article ? Share in your networks Partager... Bees Honey Madagascar Jun 13, 2019 Media
Ilanga, Admin Bees in danger ! Pesticides are harmful to the environment in general. Harmful for the flora, dangerous for the fauna, and destructive for the human health. In short, we are all concerned. But bees are the most vulner... Bees Environment Pesticides Mar 28, 2019 News
Receive clover seeds to save bees. It's free! An association of beekeepers in the Haute-Garonne, Association "Natur Miel", distributes free seeds of melliferous plants, in this case clover. All you have to do is send a request to receive some and... Bees Sustainable development Feb 15, 2019 News
Recipe: cinnamon apple sauce Instead of buying products filled with chemicals, you consider making cinnamon applesauce. Great idea! All you need are a few ingredients and your own personal touch. This recipe is very simple. Get c... Bees Dec 26, 2018 Recipes
Contribute to the preservation of bees: plant honey plants What if we told you that you have the means to fight and make sure that these little life carriers survive this alarming decrease of their species. All you have to do is choose the plants you adopt in... Bees Dec 23, 2018 Tips
Discover the fascinating life of bees They appeared earlier than Man. Their existence has allowed humanity to survive and benefit from their work. They are the bees. True fairies. But unlike these fantastic beings, they are real. They bri... Bees Dec 14, 2018 Other
Bees in danger, causes and solutions The disappearance of bees is a planetary catastrophe of which humanity is not yet aware. These insects play an essential role in pollination. However, they are so tiny that until now, we have not real... Bees Honey Dec 4, 2018 News